Are You A Loan Officer at a local Bank or Credit Union?

Are you having to turn down borrowers
and losing them to local competition?

Hi, I'm Antoine Doan

Thanks for visiting my page!

I specialize in helping local bank & credit union loan officers avoid losing customers to local competition and protect your commissions.

I accomplish this by giving you and your customers access to non-traditional loan products to finance investment and commercial properties.

As a 24-year mortgage industry veteran, I have helped thousands of property owners and investors secure their financing and build wealth through real estate.

Why Do Local Banks & Credit Union Loan Officers

Partner Up with Antoine?

As a loan officer at a local bank and credit union, it's a part of your job to carefully evaluate potential borrowers and determine whether or not they are qualified for one of your mortgage products.

Unfortunately, this process sometimes results in turning down potential mortgage borrowers who don't fit the traditional lending criteria.

For example, many business owners and real estate investors often write off so much expenses on their income tax returns, that they're unable to qualify for a conventional mortgage due to insufficient income.

But instead of denying, and thereby, losing these borrowers to your local competition, there is an alternative path that can turn the situation into a win-win: strategic referral.

Turning Away Customers Carries Far-Reaching

Consequences to Your Business & Commissions

Turning away potential borrowers isn't just an uncomfortable exercise. It carries far-reaching implications:

1. Borrowers who are denied a mortgage loan aren't likely to return for future mortgages or banking needs, most likely leading to a permanent loss of future business.

2. Denying loans can strain the relationship between you and potential borrowers. This can result in seriously damaging relationships that you have cultivated and worked hard for.

3. When these borrowers walk out of your doors and down the street to apply with another bank or credit union, you're unlikely to ever see them again or receive any referrals from them in the future.

8 Reasons You Must Establish A Strategic

Referral Partnership

Benefits of Referring Borrowers to a Specialist Partner

Rather than viewing these unique borrowers as lost business, consider them as an opportunity: refer them to a Specialist who has the ability to provide creative, nontraditional financing options.

Here are just some of the benefits local bank and credit union loan officers can receive from this strategic approach:

1. Preserving Customer Relationships: By referring these borrowers to a specialist who can meet their needs, you maintain and potentially strengthen your relationships.

2. Gaining Competitive Advantage: It sends a strong message to the borrowers that you're invested in their success, even when you can't provide the solution directly.

3. Reducing Competition: Instead of losing your hard-earned customers to other banks and credit unions, you're creating a collaborative network with a specialist loan provider.

4. Growing Your Positive Reputation: Providing solutions, however indirect, can enhance your reputation as helpful and caring.

5. Customer Retention: When borrowers' unique needs are met as a direct result of your help, they are more likely to remain loyal and return to you first in the future for all their financing needs.

6. Potential Future Business: When borrowers' circumstances change, or when they need traditional banking services, they'll remember the effort you put into helping them.

7. Winning Referrals: Borrowers who appreciate your efforts are likely to spread good word and refer you to their network of friends, family and co-workers.

8. Gaining A New Referral Partner: Working with the right Specialist, you may just have started a true Two Way Street Partnership, where the Specialist is also able to add value to you and your business through mutual referrals and other future collaboration.

In short, by referring your turned down borrowers to a Specialist who offers alternative loan programs, like those for self-employed folks buying investment or commercial properties, these referred borrowers can access resources otherwise unavailable.

By embracing such collaborations, loan officers at local banks and credit unions can turn a negative into a positive, retaining relationships, enhancing reputation, and expanding their referral network.

It's a win-win solution that carries the potential for mutual benefits for all parties involved.

Why A Strategic Referral Partnership

with Antoine is a true WIN-WIN

Referring a customer to Antoine is a strategic move to ultimately protect your customer base and your long-term commission income!

1. You continue to be amplified and top of mind with your customers - Antoine and his team consistently edify you and keep you top of mind during the process of helping your customers through the loan process. They will recognize that they wouldn't be able to get this help if it weren't for you and your dedication.

2. You stay in the loop at all times - you will receive weekly updates from Antoine of all your referrals, and stay in the know of what's going on at all times.

3. Your customer relationships & commissions income remain protected in the long-term - Antoine ensures your customers understand that your referral was a one-time transaction only to assist them with the non-traditional financing they need at the time, and that they are to continue to contact YOU for all their regular banking and future home financing needs.

4. What if your customers reach out to Antoine in the future?

In the event your customers reach out to Antoine directly and inquire about potential home financing, Antoine will send them right back to you for assistance. Antoine is committed to being your loyal referral partner for the long run, and will not risk losing our partnership over a one-time transaction.

What's The Next Step?

If you want to learn more about how exactly Antoine will bring value and referrals to you as a partner, and at the same time, help you avoid losing clientele and protect your commissions,

click below to Book a Quick Call or Send a Quick Message to Antoine.

What Our Partners and Clients Have to Say About Antoine and his Team?

Some of the Perks of Partnering with Antoine

Realtor Success Workshops

- Once a month, we gather to share new tools, systems and strategies to constantly uplevel skills

Networking Happy Hour

These events allow us to:

  • Reconnect with old friends

  • Make new connections and expand our network

  • Share great moments

  • Discuss ongoing deals

  • Brainstorm new ideas

  • Exchange new marketing strategies

  • Try delicious food

  • Enjoy our favorite drinks

  • celebrate our wins

  • Enhance our market visibility

Clear Path Capital Partners was founded by Antoine Doan, a mortgage industry veteran since 2000, to provide financing for real estate entrepreneurs to buy and finance investment and commercial properties.

Real estate investors, business owners and self-employed professionals are now empowered to finance their real estate deals using loan programs which do not require showing tax returns, W2's or pay stubs.

We finance 1-4 unit investment properties as well as multi family and commercial properties.

Business Bank Statements Program

Bank statement loans are for self-employed individuals who prefer to use their bank statements (instead of tax returns) to prove their qualifying income.

  • 1-4 Unit Properties

  • Up to 80% of Value

  • $75,000 to $2 million loan amount

  • Purchase or Refinance

Business owners, self-employed professionals and independent contractors often write off many of their business expenses, therefore reducing their taxable income and their "qualifying" income.

Our Business Bank Statements Program enables borrowers to qualify for loans without the traditional income qualification standards.

DSCR (Debt Service Coverage Ratio) Program

Using a DSCR loan, an investor buyer can use the property's cashflow to qualify for the purchase or refinance loan, instead of having to show their tax returns or W2's.

  • 1-4 Unit Properties

  • 5+ Unit & Mixed Use Properties

  • Up to 80% of Value

  • $75,000 to $2 million loan amount

  • Purchase or Refinance

  • Income calculated on the property cashflow, not the borrower

  • 30-year terms with Interest Only option

1099 Statement Program

Perfect for Business Owners, Self-Employed Professionals and Independent Contractors.

  • Property Types -Single family, condo, townhouse, 2-4 unit properties

  • Loan Amounts – $75,000 to $3 million

  • Term – 5 & 7 year ARM and 30-Year Fixed Rate

  • Entities - available to individuals, trusts, corporations, limited partnership

Fix & Flip Program

Designed for investors who are in the business of buying distressed properties, repairing them and then either selling or holding for rental income.

  • Investment Properties – Single Family, Multi Family 2-4 units

  • Purchase Loan Amount – up to 85% of Cost based on experience

  • Rehab Loan Amount – up to 100% of Cost

  • 12-month loan term with Interest Only option

Hard Money Loan Program

Designed for investors looking to finance a property quickly without the red tape often associated with traditional lending standards.

  • 1-4 Unit Properties

  • 5+ Unit & Mixed Use Properties

  • Up to 80% of Property Value

  • Closing in 1-2 weeks

ITIN & Foreign National Buyer Program

This program offers the perfect solution for investors and borrowers without Social Security numbers but who have Individual Tax Identification Numbers, as well as for foreign nationals looking to purchase properties in the United States.

  • ITIN Program – For borrowers with Individual Tax Identification Numbers

  • Foreign National Program – Loan solutions designed for eligible foreign national buyers